Types of Sinkers for Saltwater Fishing

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Fishing is among the most challenging and yet rewarding hobbies these days. The primary element that will determine your fishing trip’s success is the gear you have. The right line, rod, and bait are all essential components. Unfortunately, these will do little without the right weight. The weight of sinker determines the depth of your bait. Sinkers in the past were only made of lead, but with recent environmental concerns, they are now made of tungsten, brass, bismuth, or steel.

When choosing the weight for your equipment in a fishing gear store in Michigan, the waters you are going to fish will play a big role in your decisions. Saltwater, for instance, is denser than freshwater; hence, the ideal weights for saltwater fishing are not the same as those for freshwater fishing.

Here are your best sinker options for saltwater fishing:

Bank Sinkers

These are often used to place baits close to a water body’s bottom. Bank sinkers are either bell-shaped or round to prevent the risk of getting snagged. Some bank sinkers also connect to fishing lines with a swivel; therefore, reducing your line’s twist. Others will have sharp points and edges that stick in the soft bottom sand or wires, which adhere to the bottom and hold out your fishing line like anchors. You can attach a bank sinker to a fish finder slide or the end of a rig.

Egg Sinkers

Fisherman about to catch a fishFish will often avoid all baits that look suspicious. An egg sinker is tied to your rig; it prevents the fish from detecting your bait since it is egg-shaped and has a hole through it. As the fish picks your bait, your line will pass through the egg sinker and the fish will not feel its weight. Egg sinkers work best for cut or live baits since the fish can eat the bait before the hook is set.

Trolling Sinkers

These are used for trolling baits at varying depths. They are slender and long, smoothly gliding through the water. High-end trolling sinkers have swivels on both ends to minimize the risk of getting entangled with your fishing line. The amount of material used on your trolling weight affects its trolling speed. To increase the depth of your trolling weight, you can use a planer or downrigger to pull your fishing line.

Split-Shot Sinkers

Split-shot sinkers are the most common type of sinker nowadays and the best option for beginner anglers since they are easy to use. They suffice for fishing with a light line, small bait, or slow current. These sinkers feature small balls on a leader above their hooks. They carry your bait to only a few feet under the water’s surface.

Carrying the above sinkers might be inconvenient for you since they are heavy and disrupt your tackle box’s arrangement. That said, most anglers opt to have a cloth/leather pouch or plastic Tupperware for their sinkers’ storage. One weight from the above might suffice for your fishing, but it is prudent to have different types for different situations.

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